Benefits of Membership

In years past, membership was conferred automatically to all individuals who registered and attended the state conferences.  With the introduction of the 2019 bylaws, membership instead became a separate function separate from conference membership.  This change allows individuals to join the membership even if they are unable to attend a state conference. 

Although the organization has been on hiatus since 2021, membership dues will likely be re-implemented during the 2024-2025 fiscal year. The specific details will be announced once financial accounts have been re-established and tax statuses updated.  In the meantime, we encourage all prospective members to view the 2023 revision to the bylaws, which outlines the plans for advanced membership options.

As a paying member of OACADA, you receive:

  • Discounts on conference registration fees;
  • Access to the new members only sections of the website, including discussion forums and past conference materials.

More information will be available soon.  In the meantime, feel free to register for your free account, and join our mailing list!